
pyasdf and Dependencies

pyasdf supports Python versions >= 3.7 and it depends on the following Python modules: NumPy, ObsPy, h5py, colorama, pytest, prov, dill, and optionally mpi4py. You can install pyasdf with or without parallel I/O support; the later requires mpi4py and parallel versions of hdf5 and h5py.

pyasdf itself is available on pypi and also as a conda package in the conda-forge channel (non-parallel only).

If you know what you are doing, install it any way you see fit. Otherwise do yourself a favor and download the Anaconda Python distribution for your chosen Python version.


When to choose the parallel I/O version?

Please note that in most cases it is not worth it to install the parallel I/O version. For one most machines (aside from actual HPC machines) don’t even have the necessary hardware to do actually parallel I/O. Also seismological waveform data is usually not that big in volume so a single reading/writing thread might be sufficient. Furthermore modern SSDs can write at very high speeds.

But if your application does indeed benefit from parallel I/O follow the instructions below.

Non-parallel pyasdf

This is very easy - just execute this one line and it will install all the dependencies including pyasdf (assuming you installed the Anaconda Python distribution as recommended above).

$ conda install -c conda-forge pyasdf

pyasdf with parallel I/O

You only have to make sure to have a parallel version of h5py installed. A simple way is to just use one on conda, e.g.:

$ conda install -c spectraldns h5py-parallel

Additionally you need mpi4py. The one on conda might work, if not, read on.

For all of the following steps make sure that the MPI package of your local supercomputer/cluster is loaded. The mpi4py potentially shipping with Anaconda might not work on your cluster - if that is the case uninstall it and reinstall with pip at which point it should link against your cluster’s MPI implementation.

$ conda uninstall mpi4py
$ pip install mpi4py

After everything is installed, you can run the following command to print information about the current system.

$ python -c "import pyasdf; pyasdf.print_sys_info()"

which will print something along the following lines:

pyasdf version 0.1.4
CPython 2.7.9, compiler: GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)
Darwin 14.3.0 64bit
Machine: x86_64, Processor: i386 with 8 cores
HDF5 version 1.8.17, h5py version: 2.5.0
MPI: Open MPI, version: 1.10.1, mpi4py version: 2.0.0
Parallel I/O support: True
Problematic multiprocessing: False
    dill: 0.2.5
    lxml: 3.7.2
    numpy: 1.11.3
    obspy: 1.0.3
    prov: 1.4.0
    scipy: 0.18.1


To assert that your installation is working properly, execute

$ python -m pyasdf.tests

and make sure all tests pass. Otherwise please contact the developers.

Building the Documentation

The documentation requires sphinx and the Bootstrap theme. Install both with

$ pip install sphinx sphinx-bootstrap-theme

Build the doc with

$ cd doc
$ make html

Finally open the doc/_build/html/index.html file with the browser of your choice.