Example Data Set
For the time being we will attempt to curate an up-to-date example data set which you can use to get started. Download it here (220 MB).
Learning Python and ObsPy¶
is written in Python and utilizes the
data structures of ObsPy to allow the construction of
modern and efficient workflows. Python is an easy to learn and powerful
interactive programming language with an exhaustive scientific ecosystem. The
following resources are useful if you are starting out with Python and ObsPy:
Using pyasdf¶
This section will teach you the basics of creating and working with ASDF files with pyasdf. For more detailed information, please see the API documentation or have a look at the Examples section that demonstrates more complex workflows.
Notes on using MPI
will behave slightly different depending on whether it is being
called with MPI or not. If called with MPI, the underlying HDF5 files
will be opened with MPI I/O and fully parallel I/O will be utilized for
the processing functions. Keep the scripts reasonably short if using MPI
or place appropriate barriers.
The module will detect if it has been called with MPI if mpi4py
be imported and the size of the communicator is greater than one. Thus
calling it with mpirun/mpiexec
with only one core will not be
recognized as being called with MPI.
Due to a limitation of Python you should always delete all references to
the ASDFDataSet
objects at the end.
Otherwise the program will potentially not finish when called with MPI.
An even better alternative is described in Usage as a Context Manager.
Creating an ASDF data set¶
The first step is always to import pyasdf
and create a
object. If the file does not
exists, it will be created, otherwise the existing one will be opened.
>>> import pyasdf
>>> ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet("new_file.h5", compression="gzip-3")
Compression will help to reduce the size of files without affecting the
quality as all offered compression options are lossless. Only new data will
be compressed and compression will be disable for files created with
parallel I/O as these two features are not compatible. See the documentation
of the ASDFDataSet
object for more details.
At any point you can get an overview of the contents by printing the object
>>> print(ds)
ASDF file [format version: 1.0.0]: 'new_file.h5' (7.7 KB)
Contains 0 event(s)
Contains waveform data from 0 station(s).
Adding Information about an Earthquake¶
ASDF can optionally store events and associate waveforms with a given event.
To add an event with pyasdf
use the
method. Be aware that
all operations will directly write to the file without an explicit
save/write step. This enables pyasdf
to deal with arbitrarily big data
>>> ds.add_quakeml("/path/to/quake.xml")
>>> print(ds)
ASDF file [format version: 1.0.0]: 'new_file.h5' (14.7 KB)
Contains 1 event(s)
Contains waveform data from 0 station(s).
The event can later be accessed again by using the event
Please be careful that this might contain multiple events and not only one.
>>> event = ds.events[0]
Adding Waveforms¶
The next step is to add waveform data. In this example we will add all SAC
files in one folder with the help of the
Printing the progress is unnecessary but useful when dealing with large
amounts of data. There are a couple of subtleties to keep in mind here:
The data will be compressed with the compression settings given during the initialization of the data set object.
It is possible to optionally associate waveforms with a specific event.
You must give a tag. The tag is an additional identifier of that particular waveform. The
tag is by convention only given to raw, unprocessed data.The actual type of the data will not change. This example uses SAC which means data is in single precision floating point, MiniSEED will typically be in single precision integer if coming from a data center. If you desire a different data type to be stored for whatever reason you have to manually convert it and pass the ObsPy
>>> import glob
>>> files = glob.glob("/path/to/data/*.mseed")
>>> for _i, filename in enumerate(files):
... print("Adding file %i of %i ..." % (_i + 1, len(files)))
... ds.add_waveforms(filename, tag="raw_recording", event_id=event)
Adding file 1 of 588 ...
>>> print(ds)
ASDF file [format version: 1.0.0]: 'new_file.h5' (169.7 MB)
Contains 1 event(s)
Contains waveform data from 196 station(s).
Adding Station Information¶
The last step to create a very basic ASDF file is to add station information which is fairly straightforward.
Please keep in mind that this will potentially rearrange and split the
StationXML files to fit within the structure imposed by the ASDF format.
StationXML can store any number and combination of networks, stations,
and channels whereas ASDF requires a separate StationXML file per
station. pyasdf
will thus split up files if necessary and also
merge them with any possibly already existing StationXML files.
>>> files = glob.glob("/path/to/stations/*.xml")
>>> for _i, filename in enumerate(files):
... print("Adding file %i of %i ..." % (_i + 1, len(files)))
... ds.add_stationxml(filename)
Adding file 1 of 196 ...
>>> print(ds)
ASDF file [format version: 1.0.0]: 'new_file.h5' (188.3 MB)
Contains 1 event(s)
Contains waveform data from 196 station(s).
Adding Auxiliary Data¶
The ASDF format has the capability to store generic non-waveform data called auxiliary data. Auxiliary data are data arrays with associcated attributes that can represent anything; each sub-community is supposed to come up with conventions of how to use this.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.random.random(100)
# The type always should be camel case.
>>> data_type = "RandomArrays"
# Name to identify the particular piece of data.
>>> path = "example_array"
# Any additional parameters as a Python dictionary which will end up as
# attributes of the array.
>>> parameters = {
... "a": 1,
... "b": 2.0}
>>> ds.add_auxiliary_data(data=data, data_type=data_type, path=path,
... parameters=parameters)
>>> print(ds)
ASDF file [format version: '1.0.0']: 'new_file.h5' (188.3 MB)
Contains 1 event(s)
Contains waveform data from 196 station(s).
Contains 1 type(s) of auxiliary data: RandomArrays
Reading an existing ASDF data set¶
Once you have acquired an ASDF file by whatever means it is time to read the data. To a large extent reading works by attribute access (meaning tab completion in interactive environments is available). At access time the data is read from an ASDF file an parsed to an ObsPy object.
As always, the first step is to open a file. Note that this does not yet read any data.
>>> import pyasdf
>>> ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet("example.h5")
Reading Events¶
To read event data, simply access the event
attribute. At access time the
events will be parsed to an obspy.core.event.Catalog
object which can
used for further analysis.
>>> type(ds.events)
>>> print(ds.events)
4 Event(s) in Catalog:
1998-09-01T10:29:54.500000Z | -58.500, -26.100 | 5.5 Mwc
2012-04-04T14:21:42.300000Z | +41.818, +79.689 | 4.4 mb | manual
2012-04-04T14:18:37.000000Z | +39.342, +41.044 | 4.3 ML | manual
2012-04-04T14:08:46.000000Z | +38.017, +37.736 | 3.0 ML | manual
Reading Waveforms and StationXML¶
Waveforms and station meta information can be accessed at a per-station
granularity under the waveforms
attribute. Note that tab completion
works everywhere so please play around in the IPython shell which is the
best way to learn how to use pyasdf.
In the following we will access the data for the IU.ANMO
station. Note
that the dot is replaced by an underscore to work around syntax limitations
imposed by Python. Once again, at attribute access everything is read from
the ASDF file and parsed to an ObsPy object.
>>> print(ds.waveforms.IU_ANMO)
Contents of the data set for station IU.ANMO:
- Has a StationXML file
- 2 Waveform Tag(s):
>>> type(ds.waveform.IU_ANMO.StationXML))
>>> print(ds.waveform.IU_ANMO.StationXML)
Inventory created at 2014-12-10T17:04:09.000000Z
Created by: IRIS WEB SERVICE: fdsnws-station | version: 1.1.9
Sending institution: IRIS-DMC (IRIS-DMC)
Networks (1):
Stations (1):
IU.ANMO (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
Channels (6):
>>> type(ds.waveforms.IU_ANMO.synthetic)
>>> print(ds.waveforms.IU_ANMO.synthetic)
3 Trace(s) in Stream:
IU.ANMO.S3.MXE | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
IU.ANMO.S3.MXN | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
IU.ANMO.S3.MXZ | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
Now attribute access is convenient for interactive use, but not that much for programmatic access. A number of better ways are available for that case:
>>> ds.waveforms.list()
>>> print(ds.waveforms["IU.ANMO"])
Contents of the data set for station IU.ANMO:
- Has a StationXML file
- 2 Waveform Tag(s):
>>> for station in ds.waveforms:
... print(station)
... break
Contents of the data set for station IU.ADK:
- Has a StationXML file
- 2 Waveform Tag(s):
The object returned for each station is just a helper object easing the access to the waveform and station data.
>>> sta = ds.waveforms["IU.ANMO"]
>>> type(sta)
ASDF distinguishes waveforms by tags. All waveforms belonging to a certain tag can be accessed with either attribute or key access.
>>> print(sta.synthetic)
3 Trace(s) in Stream:
IU.ANMO.S3.MXE | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
IU.ANMO.S3.MXN | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
IU.ANMO.S3.MXZ | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
>>> sta.synthetic == sta["synthetic"]
Get a list of all tags for a certain station:
>>> sta.get_waveform_tags()
['observed_processed', 'synthetic']
Sometimes more granular access is required. To that end one can also access waveforms at the individual trace level.
>>> sta.list()
>>> print(sta["IU.ANMO.S3.MXE__1998-09-01T10:29:52__1998-09-01T12:10:19__synthetic"])
1 Trace(s) in Stream:
IU.ANMO.S3.MXE | 1998-09-01T10:29:52.250000Z - 1998-09-01T12:10:19.857558Z | 7.0 Hz, 42300 samples
The advantage of the ASDF format is that it is also able to store relations so it can for example tell what event a certain waveform is associated with:
>>> cat = ds.events # The events have to be in memory for the reference to work.
>>> print(sta.synthetic[0].stats.asdf.event_ids[0].get_referred_object())
Event: 1998-09-01T10:29:54.500000Z | -58.500, -26.100 | 5.5 Mwc
resource_id: ResourceIdentifier(id="smi:service.iris.edu/fdsnws/event/1/query?eventid=656970")
event_type: 'earthquake'
event_descriptions: 1 Elements
focal_mechanisms: 1 Elements
origins: 1 Elements
magnitudes: 1 Elements
Additionally it can also store the provenance associated with a certain waveform trace:
>>> prov_id = sta.synthetic[0].stats.asdf.provenance_id
>>> ds.provenance.get_provenance_document_for_id(prov_id)
{'document': <ProvDocument>, 'name': '373da5fe_d424_4f44_9bca_4334d77ed10b'}
>>> ds.provenance.get_provenance_document_for_id(prov_id)["document"].plot()
Reading Auxiliary Data¶
ASDF can additionally also store non-waveform data. Access is via the
attribute. Once again, dictionary access is possible.
>>> print(ds.auxiliary_data)
Data set contains the following auxiliary data types:
AdjointSource (12 item(s))
File (1 item(s))
>>> print(ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource)
12 auxiliary data item(s) of type 'AdjointSource' available:
>>> ds.auxiliary_data.list()
['AdjointSource', 'File']
>>> ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource == ds.auxiliary_data["AdjointSource"]
Accessing a single item once again by attribute or key access.
>>> ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource.BW_ALFO_EHE
Auxiliary Data of Type 'AdjointSource'
Provenance ID: '{http://seisprov.org/seis_prov/0.1/#}sp012_as_cd84e87'
Data shape: '(20000,)', dtype: 'float64'
adjoint_source_type: multitaper
elevation_in_m: 473.232036071
latitude: 57.9589770294
local_depth_in_m: 0.0
longitude: 170.352381909
misfit_value: 1.45e-05
orientation: E
sampling_rate_in_hz: 10.0
station_id: BW.ALFO..EHE
units: m
>>> ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource.list()
>>> ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource.BW_ALFO_EHE == ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource["BW_ALFO_EHE"]
>>> adj_src = ds.auxiliary_data.AdjointSource.BW_ALFO_EHE
>>> adj_src.data
<HDF5 dataset "BW_ALFO_EHE": shape (20000,), type "<f8">
>>> adj_src.parameters
{'adjoint_source_type': 'multitaper',
'elevation_in_m': 473.23203607130199,
'latitude': 57.958977029361542,
'local_depth_in_m': 0.0,
'longitude': 170.35238190943915,
'misfit_value': 1.45e-05,
'orientation': 'E',
'sampling_rate_in_hz': 10.0,
'station_id': 'BW.ALFO..EHE',
'units': 'm'}