Source code for pyasdf.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
    Lion Krischer (, 2013-2021
    BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified")
import copy
import collections
import hashlib
import io
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import weakref

# Py2k/3k compat.
    from urlparse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

import h5py
from lxml.etree import QName
import numpy as np
import obspy

from .compat import string_types
from .exceptions import (
from .header import MSG_TAGS
from .inventory_utils import get_coordinates

# Tuple holding a the body of a received message.
ReceivedMessage = collections.namedtuple("ReceivedMessage", ["data"])
# Tuple denoting a single worker.
Worker = collections.namedtuple(
    "Worker", ["active_jobs", "completed_jobs_count"]

[docs]def is_multiprocessing_problematic(): # pragma: no cover """ Return True if multiprocessing is known to have issues on the given platform. Mainly results from the fact that some BLAS/LAPACK implementations cannot deal with forked processing. """ # Handling numpy linked against accelerate. config_info = str( [ value for key, value in np.__config__.__dict__.items() if key.endswith("_info") ] ).lower() if "accelerate" in config_info or "veclib" in config_info: return True elif "openblas" in config_info: # Most openBLAS can only operate with one thread... os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" else: return False
[docs]def sizeof_fmt(num): """ Handy formatting for human readable filesize. From """ for x in ["bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB"]: if num < 1024.0 and num > -1024.0: return f"{num:3.1f} {x}" num /= 1024.0 return f"{num:3.1f} TB"
def _read_string_array(data): """ Helper function taking a string data set and preparing it so it can be read to a BytesIO object. """ return data[()].tobytes().strip()
[docs]class SimpleBuffer: """ Object that can be used as a cache. Will never contain more then the specified number of items. If more then then that are used, it will remove the item with the oldest last access time. """ def __init__(self, limit=10): self._limit = limit self._buffer = collections.OrderedDict() def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._buffer[key] = value self._check_size_limit() def __getitem__(self, key): # Reorder on access. value = self._buffer.pop(key) self._buffer[key] = value return value def __len__(self): return len(self._buffer) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._buffer def values(self): return self._buffer.values() def _check_size_limit(self): while len(self._buffer) > self._limit: self._buffer.popitem(last=False)
[docs]class ProvenanceAccessor: """ Accessor helper for the provenance records. """ # Cache up to 20 documents. Uses the sha1 hash of the documents. _cache = SimpleBuffer(limit=20) def __init__(self, asdf_data_set): # Use weak references to not have any dangling references to the HDF5 # file around. self.__data_set = weakref.ref(asdf_data_set) def __getattr__(self, item): item = str(item) _records = self.list() if item not in _records: raise AttributeError hash = hashlib.sha1( self.__data_set()._provenance_group[item][()].tobytes() ).hexdigest() if hash not in self._cache: self._cache[hash] = self.__data_set().get_provenance_document(item) return copy.deepcopy(self._cache[hash]) def __delitem__(self, key): key = str(key) if key not in self.list(): raise KeyError("Key/Attribute '%s' not known." % key) ds = self.__data_set() del ds._provenance_group[key] del ds def __delattr__(self, item): try: self.__delitem__(item) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(str(item)) def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.__getattr__(item) except AttributeError as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__data_set().add_provenance_document( document=value, name=str(key) ) def __dir__(self): return self.list() + [ "list", "keys", "values", "items", "get_provenance_document_for_id", ]
[docs] def list(self): """ Return a list of available provenance documents. """ return sorted(self.__data_set()._provenance_group.keys())
[docs] def get_provenance_document_for_id(self, provenance_id): """ Get the provenance document containing a record with a certain id. :param provenance_id: The id of the provenance record whose containing document is searched. Must be given as a qualified name, e.g. ``'{namespace_uri}id'``. """ # Will raise if not a proper qualified name. url, localname = split_qualified_name(provenance_id) name = f"{{{url}}}{localname}" for key, document in self.items(): all_ids = get_all_ids_for_prov_document(document) if name in all_ids: return {"name": key, "document": document} raise ASDFValueError( "Document containing id '%s' not found in the data set." % provenance_id )
def __len__(self): return len(self.list()) def __iter__(self): for _i in self.list(): yield _i def keys(self): return self.__iter__() def values(self): for _i in self.list(): yield self[_i] def items(self): for _i in self.list(): yield (_i, self[_i]) def __str__(self): if not len(self): return "No provenance document in file." ret_str = "%i Provenance Document(s):\n\t%s" % ( len(self), "\n\t".join(self.list()), ) return ret_str def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover p.text(self.__str__())
class AuxiliaryDataContainer: def __init__(self, data, data_type, tag, parameters): = data self.data_type = data_type self.path = tag if "provenance_id" in parameters: parameters = copy.deepcopy(parameters) self.provenance_id = parameters.pop("provenance_id") # It might be returned as a byte string on some systems. try: self.provenance_id = self.provenance_id.decode() except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass else: self.provenance_id = None self.parameters = parameters self.__file_cache = None def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False if ( self.path != other.path or self.data_type != other.data_type or self.provenance_id != self.provenance_id or self.parameters != self.parameters ): return False try: np.testing.assert_equal(, except AssertionError: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __del__(self): try: self.__file_cache.close() except Exception: pass @property def file(self): if self.data_type.lower() not in ["files", "file"]: raise ASDFAttributeError( "The 'file' property is only available " "for auxiliary data with the data type 'Files' or 'File'." ) if self.__file_cache is not None: return self.__file_cache self.__file_cache = io.BytesIO(_read_string_array( return self.__file_cache def __str__(self): # Deal with nested paths. split_dt = self.data_type.split("/") path = split_dt[1:] path.append(self.path) return ( "Auxiliary Data of Type '{data_type}'\n" "\tPath: '{path}'\n" "{provenance}" "\tData shape: '{data_shape}', dtype: '{dtype}'\n" "\tParameters:\n\t\t{parameters}".format( data_type=split_dt[0],,, path="/".join(path), provenance="" if self.provenance_id is None else "\tProvenance ID: '%s'\n" % self.provenance_id, parameters="\n\t\t".join( [ f"{_i[0]}: {_i[1]}" for _i in sorted( self.parameters.items(), key=lambda x: x[0] ) ] ), ) ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover p.text(self.__str__())
[docs]class AuxiliaryDataAccessor: """ Helper class to access auxiliary data items. """ def __init__(self, auxiliary_data_type, asdf_data_set): # Use weak references to not have any dangling references to the HDF5 # file around. self.__auxiliary_data_type = auxiliary_data_type self.__data_set = weakref.ref(asdf_data_set) def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False if self.__auxiliary_data_type != other.__auxiliary_data_type: return False ds1 = self.__data_set() ds2 = other.__data_set() try: if ds1.filename != ds2.filename: return False finally: del ds1 del ds2 return True def __delattr__(self, item): try: self.__delitem__(item) except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(str(e)) def __delitem__(self, key): key = str(key) _l = self.list() if key not in _l: raise KeyError( "Key/Item '%s' not known or cannot be " "deleted." % key ) ds = self.__data_set() try: del ds._auxiliary_data_group[self.__auxiliary_data_type][key] finally: del ds def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.list() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __getattr__(self, item): if item not in self: raise AttributeError("Key/Item '%s' not known." % item) return self.__data_set()._get_auxiliary_data( self.__auxiliary_data_type, str(item) ) def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.__getattr__(item) except AttributeError as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) @property def auxiliary_data_type(self): return self.__auxiliary_data_type def list(self): return sorted( self.__data_set() ._auxiliary_data_group[self.__auxiliary_data_type] .keys() ) def __dir__(self): return self.list() + ["list", "auxiliary_data_type"] def __len__(self): return len(self.list()) def __iter__(self): for _i in self.list(): yield self[_i] def __str__(self): items = self.list() groups = [] data_arrays = [] ds = self.__data_set() try: for item in items: reference = ds._auxiliary_data_group[ self.__auxiliary_data_type ][item] if isinstance(reference, h5py.Group): groups.append(item) else: data_arrays.append(item) del reference finally: del ds ret_str = "" if groups: ret_str += ( "{count} auxiliary data sub group(s) of type '{type}' " "available:\n" "\t{items}".format( count=len(groups), type=self.__auxiliary_data_type, items="\n\t".join(groups), ) ) if data_arrays: if ret_str: ret_str += "\n" ret_str += ( "{count} auxiliary data item(s) of type '{type}' available:\n" "\t{items}".format( count=len(data_arrays), type=self.__auxiliary_data_type, items="\n\t".join(data_arrays), ) ) if not groups and not data_arrays: ret_str += "Empty auxiliary data group." return ret_str def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover p.text(self.__str__())
[docs]class AuxiliaryDataGroupAccessor: """ Helper class to facilitate access to the auxiliary data types. """ def __init__(self, asdf_data_set): # Use weak references to not have any dangling references to the HDF5 # file around. self.__data_set = weakref.ref(asdf_data_set) def __delitem__(self, item): try: self.__delattr__(item) except AttributeError as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) def __delattr__(self, item): item = str(item) if item not in self: raise AttributeError("Key/Attribute '%s' not known." % item) ds = self.__data_set() try: del ds._auxiliary_data_group[item] finally: del ds def __getattr__(self, item): item = str(item) __auxiliary_data_group = self.__data_set()._auxiliary_data_group if item not in __auxiliary_data_group: raise AttributeError return AuxiliaryDataAccessor(item, self.__data_set()) def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.__getattr__(item) except AttributeError as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) def __contains__(self, item): item = str(item) __auxiliary_data_group = self.__data_set()._auxiliary_data_group if item not in __auxiliary_data_group: return False return True def list(self): __auxiliary_group = self.__data_set()._auxiliary_data_group return sorted(__auxiliary_group.keys()) def __dir__(self): return self.list() + ["list"] def __len__(self): return len(self.list()) def __str__(self): if not self.list(): return "Data set contains no auxiliary data." return ( "Data set contains the following auxiliary data types:\n" "\t{items}".format( items="\n\t".join( [ "%s (%i item(s))" % (_i, len(self[_i])) for _i in self.list() ] ) ) ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover p.text(self.__str__())
[docs]class StationAccessor: """ Helper class to facilitate access to the waveforms and stations. """ def __init__(self, asdf_data_set): # Use weak references to not have any dangling references to the HDF5 # file around. self.__data_set = weakref.ref(asdf_data_set) def __getattr__(self, item, replace=True): if replace: item = str(item).replace("_", ".") if item not in self.__data_set()._waveform_group: raise AttributeError("Attribute '%s' not found." % item) return WaveformAccessor(item, self.__data_set()) def __getitem__(self, item): # Item access with replaced underscore and without. This is not # strictly valid ASDF but it helps to be flexible. try: return self.__getattr__(item, replace=False) except AttributeError: try: return self.__getattr__(item, replace=True) except AttributeError as e: raise KeyError(str(e)) def __contains__(self, item): return item in [_i._station_name for _i in self] def __delattr__(self, item): # Triggers an AttributeError if the item does not exist. attr = getattr(self, item) # Only delete waveform accessors. if isinstance(attr, WaveformAccessor): ds = self.__data_set() del ds._waveform_group[attr._station_name] del ds else: raise AttributeError("Attribute '%s' cannot be deleted." % item) def __delitem__(self, key): # Triggers a KeyError if the key does not exist. attr = self[key] # Only delete waveform accessors. ds = self.__data_set() del ds._waveform_group[attr._station_name] del ds def list(self): return sorted(self.__data_set()._waveform_group.keys()) def __dir__(self): return [_i.replace(".", "_") for _i in self.list()] def __len__(self): return len(self.list()) def __iter__(self): for _i in self.list(): yield self[_i]
[docs]class WaveformAccessor: """ Helper class facilitating access to the actual waveforms and stations. """ def __init__(self, station_name, asdf_data_set): # Use weak references to not have any dangling references to the HDF5 # file around. self._station_name = station_name self.__data_set = weakref.ref(asdf_data_set) @property def __hdf5_group(self): """ For internal use only! Returns the hdf5 group associated with this station. Make sure to delete the reference afterwards as HDF5 is very picky about dangling references especially with parallel I/O. """ return self.__data_set()._waveform_group[self._station_name] def filter_waveforms(self, queries): wfs = [] for wf in [_i for _i in self.list() if _i != "StationXML"]: # Location and channel codes. if queries["location"] or queries["channel"]: _, _, loc_code, cha_code = wf_name2seed_codes(wf) if queries["location"] is not None: if queries["location"](loc_code) is False: continue if queries["channel"] is not None: if queries["channel"](cha_code) is False: continue # Tag if queries["tag"]: tag = wf_name2tag(wf) if queries["tag"](tag) is False: continue # Any of the other queries requires parsing the attribute path. if ( queries["starttime"] or queries["endtime"] or queries["sampling_rate"] or queries["npts"] or queries["event"] or queries["magnitude"] or queries["origin"] or queries["focal_mechanism"] or queries["labels"] ): group = self.__hdf5_group try: attrs = group[wf].attrs if queries["sampling_rate"]: if ( queries["sampling_rate"](attrs["sampling_rate"]) is False ): continue if queries["npts"]: if queries["npts"](len(group[wf])) is False: continue if queries["starttime"] or queries["endtime"]: starttime = obspy.UTCDateTime( float(attrs["starttime"]) / 1.0e9 ) endtime = starttime + ( len(group[wf]) - 1 ) * 1.0 / float(attrs["sampling_rate"]) if queries["starttime"]: if queries["starttime"](starttime) is False: continue if queries["endtime"]: if queries["endtime"](endtime) is False: continue if queries["labels"]: if "labels" in attrs: labels = labelstring2list(attrs["labels"]) else: labels = None if queries["labels"](labels) is False: continue if ( queries["event"] or queries["magnitude"] or queries["origin"] or queries["focal_mechanism"] ): any_fails = False for id in [ "event", "origin", "magnitude", "focal_mechanism", ]: if queries[id]: key = id + "_id" # Defaults to an empty id. Each can # potentially be a list of values. if key in attrs: values = ( attrs[key] .tobytes() .decode() .split(",") ) else: values = [None] if not any(queries[id](_i) for _i in values): any_fails = True break if any_fails is True: continue finally: del group wfs.append(wf) return wfs def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False if self._station_name != other._station_name: return False ds1 = self.__data_set() ds2 = other.__data_set() try: if ds1.filename != ds2.filename: return False finally: del ds1 del ds2 return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def get_waveform_attributes(self): """ Get a dictionary of the attributes of all waveform data sets. This works purely on the meta data level and is thus fast. Event, origin, arrival, and focmec ids will be returned as lists as they can be set multiple times per data-set. """ plural_keys = [ "event_id", "origin_id", "magnitude_id", "focal_mechanism_id", ] attributes = {} for _i in self.list(): if _i == "StationXML": continue attrs = {} for k, v in self.__hdf5_group[_i].attrs.items(): # Make sure its an actual string. try: v = v.decode() except Exception: pass if k in plural_keys: k += "s" v = v.split(",") attrs[k] = v if attrs: attributes[_i] = attrs return attributes
@property def coordinates(self): """ Get coordinates of the station if any. """ coords = self.__get_coordinates(level="station") # Such a file actually cannot be created with pyasdf but maybe with # other codes. Thus we skip the coverage here. if self._station_name not in coords: # pragma: no cover raise ASDFValueError( "StationXML file has no coordinates for " "station '%s'." % self._station_name ) return coords[self._station_name] @property def channel_coordinates(self): """ Get coordinates of the station at the channel level if any. """ coords = self.__get_coordinates(level="channel") # Filter to only keep channels with the current station name. coords = { key: value for key, value in coords.items() if key.startswith(self._station_name + ".") } if not coords: raise ASDFValueError( "StationXML file has no coordinates at " "the channel level for station '%s'." % self._station_name ) return coords def __get_coordinates(self, level): """ Helper function. """ station = self.__data_set()._waveform_group[self._station_name] if "StationXML" not in station: raise NoStationXMLForStation( "Station '%s' has no StationXML " "file." % self._station_name ) try: with io.BytesIO(_read_string_array(station["StationXML"])) as buf: coordinates = get_coordinates(buf, level=level) finally: # HDF5 reference are tricky... del station return coordinates def __getitem__(self, item): try: return self.__getattr__(item) except (AttributeError, WaveformNotInFileException) as e: raise KeyError(str(e))
[docs] def get_waveform_tags(self): """ Get all available waveform tags for this station. """ return sorted( set(_i.split("__")[-1] for _i in self.list() if _i != "StationXML") )
def __contains__(self, item): contents = self.list() contents.extend(self.__dir__()) return item in contents def __delitem__(self, key): try: self.__delete_data(key) # This cannot really happen as it will be caught by the # __filter_data() method. except AttributeError as e: # pragma: nocover raise KeyError(str(e)) def __delattr__(self, item): self.__delete_data(item) def __delete_data(self, item): """ Internal delete method. """ items = self.__filter_data(item) h5 = self.__hdf5_group try: for item in items: if item in h5: del h5[item] finally: del h5 def __filter_data(self, item): """ Internal filtering for item access and deletion. """ # StationXML access. if item == "StationXML": return [item] _l = self.list() # Single trace access if item in _l: return [item] # Tag access. elif "__" not in item: __station = self.__data_set()._waveform_group[self._station_name] keys = [_i for _i in __station.keys() if _i.endswith("__" + item)] # Important as __del__() for the waveform group is otherwise # not always called. del __station # Filter by everything in self.list(). Once to make sure its # up-to-date and also for the filtered subclasses of this. keys = [_i for _i in keys if _i in _l] if not keys: raise WaveformNotInFileException( f"Tag '{item}' not part of the data set for station " f"'{self._station_name}'." ) return keys raise AttributeError("Item '%s' not found." % item) def __getattr__(self, item): return self.get_item(item=item) def get_item(self, item, starttime=None, endtime=None): items = self.__filter_data(item) # StationXML access. if items == ["StationXML"]: station = self.__data_set()._get_station(self._station_name) if station is None: raise AttributeError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute " f"'{str(item)}'" ) return station # Get an estimate of the total require memory. But only estimate it # if the file is actually larger than the memory as the test is fairly # expensive but we don't really care for small files. if ( self.__data_set().filesize > self.__data_set().single_item_read_limit_in_mb * 1024**2 ): total_size = sum( [ self.__data_set()._get_idx_and_size_estimate( _i, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime )[3] for _i in items ] ) # Raise an error to not read an extreme amount of data into memory. if total_size > self.__data_set().single_item_read_limit_in_mb: msg = ( "All waveforms for station '%s' and item '%s' would " "require '%.2f MB of memory. The current limit is %.2f " "MB. Adjust by setting " "'ASDFDataSet.single_item_read_limit_in_mb' or use a " "different method to read the waveform data." % ( self._station_name, item, total_size, self.__data_set().single_item_read_limit_in_mb, ) ) raise ASDFValueError(msg) traces = [ self.__data_set()._get_waveform( _i, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime ) for _i in items ] return obspy.Stream(traces=traces)
[docs] def list(self): """ Get a list of all data sets for this station. """ return sorted( self.__data_set()._waveform_group[self._station_name].keys() )
def __dir__(self): """ The dir method will list all this object's methods, the StationXML if it has one, and all tags. """ # Python 3. if hasattr(object, "__dir__"): # pragma: no cover directory = object.__dir__(self) # Python 2. else: # pragma: no cover directory = [ _i for _i in self.__dict__.keys() if not _i.startswith("_" + self.__class__.__name__) ] directory.extend(self.get_waveform_tags()) if "StationXML" in self.list(): directory.append("StationXML") directory.extend( ["_station_name", "coordinates", "channel_coordinates"] ) return sorted(set(directory)) def __str__(self): contents = self.__dir__() waveform_contents = sorted(self.get_waveform_tags()) ret_str = ( "Contents of the data set for station {station}:\n" " - {station_xml}\n" " - {count} Waveform Tag(s):\n" " {waveforms}" ) return ret_str.format( station=self._station_name, station_xml="Has a StationXML file" if "StationXML" in contents else "Has no StationXML file", count=len(waveform_contents), waveforms="\n ".join(waveform_contents), ) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): # pragma: no cover p.text(self.__str__())
[docs]class FilteredWaveformAccessor(WaveformAccessor): """ A version of the waveform accessor returning a limited number of waveforms. """ def __init__(self, station_name, asdf_data_set, filtered_items): WaveformAccessor.__init__( self, station_name=station_name, asdf_data_set=asdf_data_set ) self._filtered_items = filtered_items
[docs] def list(self): # Get all keys and accept only the filtered items and the station # information. This makes sure the filtered waveforms are somewhat # up-to-date. items = sorted( self._WaveformAccessor__data_set() ._waveform_group[self._station_name] .keys() ) return [ _i for _i in items if _i in self._filtered_items or _i == "StationXML" ]
def __str__(self): content = WaveformAccessor.__str__(self) return re.sub("^Contents", "Filtered contents", content)
[docs]def is_mpi_env(): """ Returns True if the current environment is an MPI environment. """ try: import mpi4py except ImportError: return False try: import mpi4py.MPI except ImportError: return False if mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.size == 1 and mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: return False return True
[docs]class StreamBuffer( """ Very simple key value store for obspy stream object with the additional ability to approximate the size of all stored stream objects. """ def __init__(self): self.__streams = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__streams[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, obspy.Stream) and value is not None: raise TypeError self.__streams[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.__streams[key]
[docs] def keys(self): return self.__streams.keys()
def __len__(self): return len(self.__streams) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__streams)
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Try to approximate the size of all stores Stream object. """ cum_size = 0 for stream in self.__streams.values(): # Skip None values. if stream is None: continue cum_size += sys.getsizeof(stream) for trace in stream: cum_size += sys.getsizeof(trace) cum_size += sys.getsizeof(trace.stats) cum_size += sys.getsizeof(trace.stats.__dict__) cum_size += sys.getsizeof( cum_size += # Add one percent buffer just in case. return cum_size * 1.01
# Two objects describing a job and a worker. class Job: __slots__ = "arguments", "result" def __init__(self, arguments, result=None): self.arguments = arguments self.result = result def __repr__(self): return "Job(arguments=%s, result=%s)" % ( str(self.arguments), str(self.result), )
[docs]class JobQueueHelper: """ A simple helper class managing job distribution to workers. """ def __init__(self, jobs, worker_names): """ Init with a list of jobs and a list of workers. :type jobs: List of arguments distributed to the jobs. :param jobs: A list of jobs that will be distributed to the workers. :type: list of integers :param workers: A list of usually integers, each denoting a worker. """ self._all_jobs = [Job(_i) for _i in jobs] self._in_queue = self._all_jobs[:] self._finished_jobs = [] self._poison_pills_received = 0 self._workers = {_i: Worker([], [0]) for _i in worker_names} self._starttime = time.time()
[docs] def poison_pill_received(self): """ Increment the point pills received counter. """ self._poison_pills_received += 1
[docs] def get_job_for_worker(self, worker_name): """ Get a job for a worker. :param worker_name: The name of the worker requesting work. """ job = self._in_queue.pop(0) self._workers[worker_name].active_jobs.append(job) return job.arguments
[docs] def received_job_from_worker(self, arguments, result, worker_name): """ Call when a worker returned a job. :param arguments: The arguments the jobs was called with. :param result: The result of the job :param worker_name: The name of the worker. """ # Find the correct job. job = [ _i for _i in self._workers[worker_name].active_jobs if _i.arguments == arguments ] if len(job) == 0: msg = "MASTER: Job %s from worker %i not found. All jobs: %s\n" % ( str(arguments), worker_name, str(self._workers[worker_name].active_jobs), ) raise ValueError(msg) if len(job) > 1: raise ValueError( "WTF %i %s %s" % ( worker_name, str(arguments), str(self._workers[worker_name].active_jobs), ) ) job = job[0] job.result = result self._workers[worker_name].active_jobs.remove(job) self._workers[worker_name].completed_jobs_count[0] += 1 self._finished_jobs.append(job)
def __str__(self): workers = "\n\t".join( [ "Worker %s: %i active, %i completed jobs" % ( str(key), len(value.active_jobs), value.completed_jobs_count[0], ) for key, value in self._workers.items() ] ) return ( "Jobs (running %.2f seconds): " "queued: %i | finished: %i | total: %i\n" "\t%s\n" % ( time.time() - self._starttime, len(self._in_queue), len(self._finished_jobs), len(self._all_jobs), workers, ) ) @property def queue_empty(self): return not bool(self._in_queue) @property def finished(self): return len(self._finished_jobs) @property def all_done(self): return len(self._all_jobs) == len(self._finished_jobs) @property def all_poison_pills_received(self): return len(self._workers) == self._poison_pills_received
def pretty_sender_log(rank, destination, tag, payload): import colorama prefix = colorama.Fore.RED + "sent to " + colorama.Fore.RESET _pretty_log(prefix, destination, rank, tag, payload) def pretty_receiver_log(source, rank, tag, payload): import colorama prefix = colorama.Fore.GREEN + "received from" + colorama.Fore.RESET _pretty_log(prefix, rank, source, tag, payload) def _pretty_log(prefix, first, second, tag, payload): import colorama colors = ( colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.MAGENTA, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.BLUE, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.YELLOW, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.BLACK, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Back.WHITE + colorama.Fore.CYAN, ) tag_colors = ( colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.BLUE, colorama.Fore.YELLOW, colorama.Fore.MAGENTA, ) # Deterministic colors also on Python 3. msg_tag_keys = sorted(MSG_TAGS.keys(), key=lambda x: str(x)) tags = [i for i in msg_tag_keys if isinstance(i, (str, bytes))] tag = MSG_TAGS[tag] tag = ( tag_colors[tags.index(tag) % len(tag_colors)] + tag + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL ) first = ( colorama.Fore.YELLOW + "MASTER " + colorama.Fore.RESET if first == 0 else colors[first % len(colors)] + ("WORKER %i" % first) + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL ) second = ( colorama.Fore.YELLOW + "MASTER " + colorama.Fore.RESET if second == 0 else colors[second % len(colors)] + ("WORKER %i" % second) + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL ) print("%s %s %s [%s] -- %s" % (first, prefix, second, tag, str(payload)))
[docs]def split_qualified_name(name): """ Takes a qualified name and returns a tuple of namespace, localpart. If namespace is not a valid URL, an error will be raised. :param name: The qualified name. """ try: q_name = QName(name) except ValueError: raise ASDFValueError("Not a valid qualified name.") url, localname = q_name.namespace, q_name.localname try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) except AttributeError: raise ASDFValueError("Not a valid qualified name.") if not parsed_url.scheme or not parsed_url.netloc: raise ASDFValueError("Not a valid qualified name.") return url, localname
[docs]def get_all_ids_for_prov_document(document): """ Gets a all ids from a prov document as qualified names in the lxml style. """ ids = _get_ids_from_bundle(document) for bundle in document.bundles: ids.extend(_get_ids_from_bundle(bundle)) return sorted(set(ids))
def _get_ids_from_bundle(bundle): all_ids = [] for record in bundle._records: if not hasattr(record, "identifier") or not record.identifier: continue identifier = record.identifier all_ids.append( "{%s}%s" % (identifier.namespace.uri, identifier.localpart) ) return all_ids
[docs]def wf_name2seed_codes(tag): """ Converts an ASDF waveform name to the corresponding SEED identifiers. >>> wf_name2seed_codes("BW.ALTM.00.EHE__2012-01-..__2012_01-...__synth") ("BW", "ALTM", "00", "EHE") """ tag = tag.split(".")[:4] tag[-1] = tag[-1].split("__")[0] return tag
[docs]def wf_name2tag(tag): """ Extract the path from an ASDF waveform name. >>> wf_name2seed_codes("BW.ALTM.00.EHE__2012-01-..__2012_01-...__synth") "synth" """ return tag.split("__")[-1]
[docs]def label2string(labels): """ List of labels to a comma-saperated string. """ if labels is not None: for _i in labels: if "," in _i: raise ValueError( "The labels must not contain a comma as it is used " "as the separator for the different values." ) labels = ",".join([_i.strip() for _i in labels]) return labels
[docs]def labelstring2list(labels): """ String to a list of labels. """ return [_i.strip() for _i in labels.split(",")]
[docs]def is_list(obj): """ True if the returned object is an iterable but not a string. :param obj: The object to test. """ return isinstance(obj, and not isinstance( obj, string_types )
def to_list_of_resource_identifiers(obj, name, obj_type): if not obj: return obj if is_list(obj) and not isinstance(obj, obj_type): return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [ to_list_of_resource_identifiers(_i, name, obj_type) for _i in obj ] ) ) if isinstance(obj, obj_type): obj = obj.resource_id elif isinstance(obj, obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier): obj = obj else: try: obj = obspy.core.event.ResourceIdentifier(obj) except Exception: msg = "Invalid type for %s." % name raise TypeError(msg) return [obj]