Deleting Pieces of a Data Set

HDF5 files are per-se mutable. pyadsf currently allows the deletion of any piece of information in an ASDF file. Thus overwriting arrays currently only works as a combination of deleting and writing again. Please contact the developers if you require additional functionalities.

Deleting Things

Almost anything can be deleted by using the del operator. The following code snippets illustrates the different possibilities to delete data. Please be careful - this directly modifies the file and is not revertible.

import pyasdf

with pyasdf.ASDFDataSet("example.h5") as ds:
    # Delete all events.
    # Delete all information from a particular station.
    del ds.waveforms.BW_RJOB
    del ds.waveforms["BW.RJOB"]
    # Delete all waveforms with a certain tag from a particular station.
    del ds.waveforms.BW_RJOB.example
    del ds.waveforms["BW.RJOB"]["example"]
    # Delete the StationXML file for a certain station.
    del ds.waveforms.BW_RJOB.StationXML
    del ds.waveforms["BW.RJOB"]["StationXML"]
    # Directly delete a certain piece of waveform information.
    del ds.waveforms["BW.RJOB"][
    # Delete a provenance document.
    del ds.provenance.example_document
    del ds.provenance["example_document"]
    # Delete an auxiliary data group.
    del ds.auxiliary_data.RandomArrays
    del ds.auxiliary_data["RandomArrays"]
    # Delete a certain piece of auxiliary data.
    del ds.auxiliary_data.RandomArrays.array_a
    del ds.auxiliary_data["RandomArrays"]["array_a"]
    # Also works with nested paths.
    del ds.auxiliary_data.RandomArrays.nested.path.array_a
    del ds.auxiliary_data["RandomArrays"]["nested"]["path"]["array_a"]

Freeing Space

Deleting data sets or groups within an HDF5 file does in general not physically delete the data from the file. It just removes the item from the index. To actually regain the now not needed space use the h5repack program that ships with HDF5.

Assuming a file has been created with the following code snippet:

import pyasdf

with pyasdf.ASDFDataSet("example.h5") as ds:
    ds.add_waveforms(..., tag="example")

Current file size:

$ ls -l example.h5
-rw-r--r--  1 lion  staff  144424 Jan 19 15:47 example.h5

Delete some waveform data.

import pyasdf

with pyasdf.ASDFDataSet("example.h5") as ds:
    del ds.waveforms.BW_RJOB

The physical space is only regained after h5repack is used.

$ ls -l example.h5
-rw-r--r--  1 lion  staff  144424 Jan 19 15:47 example.h5

$ h5repack example.h5 example_repacked.h5

$ ls -l example*
-rw-r--r--  1 lion  staff  144424 Jan 19 15:47 example.h5
-rw-r--r--  1 lion  staff   20092 Jan 19 15:48 example_repacked.h5